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how to use egemoney rapid convert

How to Use EgeMoney Rapid Convert?


On the EgeMoney platform, you can convert your assets into each other and use them as you wish. In this article, we will explain how you can convert your assets to each other with the Rapid Convert section.


First of all, after logging in to the website, click on the “Rapid Convert” title from the “Classic Markets” section in the menu at the top left.


A panel appears, including lists of assets that you can convert. You can convert with two different wallets: EgeMoney Wallet and External Wallet.

how to rapid convert with Egemoney

To convert with EgeMoney Wallet


When starting this process, make sure you make the right choices about your wallets. If you want to make a conversion inside your EgeMoney wallet, you should tick the EgeMoney Wallet options in both the “How do you want to pay” and “How do you want to get (receive)” sections. If you want to convert an asset in your EgeMoney wallet to your external wallet, EgeMoney is for the To Pay section and For the section Get, you should choose External Wallet.



In this panel, you must first select the asset that you want to convert, and then what you want to convert it to. While making your selection, you can see how much you will get from which conversion. There are only possibilities for TRY, USDT, and ETH/BTC pairs here. So if you select SOL/XR, you cannot convert.


Second, enter the amount you want to convert. Here you should be careful that you provide the minimum amount. If you are going to make a transfer to your external wallet, you can add a payment method or transfer to your account that you previously added as “Trusted”.


After you enter the amount you want to convert, you will see the amount of the asset you will obtain below.


Then you click the “Proceed to Exchange” button, you will go to the section with the confirmation pages. On the first page, you must verify all the information you have entered. After confirming the information you entered, you will see the step that your conversion has been completed successfully. In the next step, you can review the details of the conversion you have made in the receipt form.



To Convert with External Wallet


For this process, you must mark the “To Sell” section as External Wallet. In this method, you cannot deposit TRY from your external wallet. You can trade in the Fiat and Spot section for TRY deposit. External wallet conversions allow users to top up when buying and selling.

how to rapid convert with Egemoney


To complete the process, you must first select the asset you want to convert, and then what you want to convert. While making your selection, you can see how much you will get from which conversion.


Second, enter the amount you want to convert. Here you should be careful that you provide the minimum amount. If you are going to make a transfer to your external wallet, you can add a payment method or transfer to your account that you previously added as “Trusted”.


After you enter the amount you want to convert, you will see the amount of the asset you will obtain below.


When you click on the “Continue to convert” header, a 3-step confirmation page will appear.



There is a countdown for the amount you deposited on the confirmation pages, if you do not provide your confirmations within the given time, your conversion will be canceled. for more details visit us.

how to rapid convert with Egemoney

how to rapid convert with Egemoneyhow to rapid convert with Egemoney

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