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A verified account on the major social media platform X, @Satoshi, reemerged after nearly five years of inactivity and tweeted its first message on October 2nd. Some claim that the account is controlled by Craig Steven Wright and that it’s a prank. This situation is happening at an interesting time, resembling the performance history of Bitcoin (BTC) when its price surged in October.

Satoshi Reemerges After 5 Years

In this post, it was mentioned that different aspects of Bitcoin that were overlooked during the technical review process will be focused on.

“Bitcoin is a predicate machine. Over the following months, we shall explore different aspects that were not explicitly contained within the white paper. These aspects are all parts of bitcoin, and are important. Some of these ideas were touched upon in the early years; now is the time to extrapolate and explain.”

The posting from the account of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin whose identity remains unknown, has become a significant event within the crypto community.

Years ago, Satoshi, who disappeared after making a forum post, had many claims made about them. Some individuals in the crypto sector have asserted that they are Satoshi Nakamoto, but none have been able to prove it. This development has generated great excitement in the crypto world. However, the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto continues to remain a mystery.

The significance of the post from Satoshi’s account occurring on October 1st is often associated with the increase in the value of assets. According to data, asset prices tend to rise by an average of 20% in October. The leading cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), is currently trading at around $27,580 according to EgeMoney data as of the time of writing.